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  • 进口波纹管密封闸阀


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Introduction to Mcville's Imported Corrugated Pipe Sealing Gate Valve


Mcville is a well-known valve manufacturer located in the United States. Its imported corrugated pipe sealing gate valve is a high-quality valve product. The product is manufactured using advanced technology and materials, and has excellent sealing performance and durability. It is widely used in industries such as petroleum, chemical, power, and metallurgy.

产品特点 Features of the Product

1. 波纹管密封结构:该产品采用波纹管密封结构,具有良好的密封性能,能够有效防止介质泄漏,保证系统的安全运行。

Corrugated pipe sealing structure: The product adopts a corrugated pipe sealing structure, which has good sealing performance and can effectively prevent medium leakage, ensuring the safe operation of the system.

2. 双向密封设计:该产品采用双向密封设计,能够在正反向流动时都能够保持良好的密封性能,提高了阀门的使用寿命。

Bidirectional sealing design: The product adopts a bidirectional sealing design, which can maintain good sealing performance during forward and reverse flow, improving the service life of the valve.

3. 耐高温、耐腐蚀:该产品采用高温、耐腐蚀的材料制造而成,能够适应恶劣的工作环境,保证阀门的长期稳定运行。

High temperature and corrosion resistance: The product is made of high temperature and corrosion resistant materials, which can adapt to harsh working environments and ensure the long-term stable operation of the valve.

4. 操作灵活、方便:该产品采用手动、电动、气动等多种操作方式,操作灵活、方便,能够满足不同用户的需求。

Flexible and convenient operation: The product adopts manual, electric, pneumatic and other operation methods, which are flexible and convenient, and can meet the needs of different users.

5. 外观美观、结构紧凑:该产品外观美观、结构紧凑,占用空间小,易于安装和维护。

Beautiful appearance and compact structure: The product has a beautiful appearance and compact structure, occupies a small space, and is easy to install and maintain.

应用领域 Application Fields


The product is widely used in industries such as petroleum, chemical, power, and metallurgy, and is suitable for pipeline systems that transport various media, such as water, oil, gas, and steam. It is especially suitable for pipeline systems with high temperature, high pressure, and corrosive media.

产品规格 Product Specifications

1. 阀门口径:DN50-DN1200

Valve diameter: DN50-DN1200

2. 阀门压力等级:PN10-PN100

Valve pressure rating: PN10-PN100

3. 适用介质:水、油、气体、蒸汽等

Applicable media: water, oil, gas, steam, etc.

4. 适用温度:-196℃-+600℃

Applicable temperature: -196℃-+600℃

5. 阀门材质:碳钢、不锈钢、合金钢、钛合金等

Valve material: carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy steel, titanium alloy, etc.

结语 Conclusion


